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Rules & Policies

Rules & Regulations:

Prairie Dogs sitting in a group with one standing up
Bear tracks
Prairie Dogs sitting in a group with one standing up

Rules & Regulations:

Pets and Service Animals Policy:

Pets and service animals are allowed to accompany their owners through the drive-thru portion of the park. However, due to the concern for the health and safety of our animals and yours, NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND are allowed in the Wildlife Walkway area. They can be walked on a leash near the gazebo area.  Please clean up after your pet.

Please review question 26 of the US DOJ FAQ regarding the exclusion of service animals.

Also review SD Codified Law 40-1-36 Unattended animals in standing or parked vehicles–Authority to remove–Liability for removal.

It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure their pet is safe at all times.

We appreciate your cooperation.

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