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Animals of the Walk Thru

Bear Country USA’s Walk Thru area offers an up-close look at a variety of animals. From otters and baby bears to bobcats, badgers, and more, this exhibit highlights a range of species in thoughtfully designed habitats. It’s a family-friendly way to observe and learn about these incredible creatures.
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American Marten

  • Scientific Name:  Martes americana
  • Size:  1-3 pounds, with pronounced sexual dimorphism (males larger)
  • Diet:  Omnivorous, with voles making up a large portion of their diet
  • Lifespan:  Like any wild animal, varies depending on environment, typically 6-7 years


The American marten is a small, agile member of the weasel family (Mustelidae) native to North America’s dense forests. It has a slender body, a bushy tail, and soft fur that ranges from light to dark brown, with a distinctive orange or yellowish throat patch.

These solitary and territorial mammals are excellent climbers, using their sharp claws and flexible bodies to navigate trees with ease. They are very active hunting small mammals, birds, insects, and berries. American martens prefer old-growth forests with plenty of tree cover, where they find shelter in tree hollows, burrows, or fallen logs.

Although not endangered, their populations can be affected by deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Historically, they were also trapped for their valuable fur. Conservation efforts focus on preserving forest ecosystems to ensure their survival.

Arctic Fox

  • Scientific Name: Vulpes lagopus
  • Size: About 20 inches long without the tail, weighing around 7 pounds
  • Diet: Generally, any small animal, including hares, lemmings, birds, and eggs.  Will also consume berries when available
  • Lifespan: 3-6 years in the wild

The Arctic fox is a small, highly adaptable mammal native to the Arctic tundra, where it thrives in some of the harshest conditions on Earth. It has a compact body with short legs, small, rounded ears, and a thick, bushy tail, all of which help conserve heat in freezing temperatures. One of its most distinctive features is its dense fur, which provides excellent insulation and changes color with the seasons—white in winter to blend with the snowy landscape and brown or gray in summer to match the tundra’s vegetation and rocks.

These foxes are well adapted to their environment, capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -58°F (-50°C). Their thick fur covers their paws, providing extra warmth and traction on ice. They are also known for their keen sense of hearing, which helps them detect prey moving beneath the snow. In times of extreme food shortages, Arctic foxes may migrate long distances in search of sustenance.  They are also known to follow polar bears, scavenging the remains of larger animals such as seals.

Arctic foxes are monogamous, often forming pairs during the breeding season, which occurs in early spring. After a gestation period of about 50 days, the female gives birth to a litter of up to 14 pups, one of the largest litter sizes among wild canines. Both parents take part in raising the young.

American Badger

  • Scientific Name: Taxidea taxus
  • Size: About 25 inches in length, weighing around 25 pounds
  • Diet: Mainly a carnivore, but will consume some plant matter
  • Lifespan:  About 10 years in the wild

The American badger is a stout, burrowing mammal found in North America’s grasslands, prairies, and open forests. With a low, wide body, powerful limbs, and long claws, it is well adapted for digging and hunting small prey like rodents. Its coarse fur is typically grayish with a distinctive white stripe running from its nose to the back of its head. A solitary and nocturnal creature, the American badger is known for its fierce temperament and plays a crucial role in controlling rodent populations within its ecosystem.



  • HEIGHT: To shoulder: 12-18 in.
  • LENGTH: 25-30 in.
  • WEIGHT: 15-60 lbs.


  • MATING: Young can be born in any month, but are usually born in the spring.
  • GESTATION: 50-60 days.
  • YOUNG: 1-7 kittens, but usually 2.


  • HABIT: Mostly nocturnal and solitary.
  • DIET: Small mammals and birds.
  • LIFESPAN: 15 to 25 years in captivity.

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Similar species: Lynx and other cats. Classified as “Lynx rufus”.

General Information

The bobcat primarily occurs in scrubby country and broken forests, but adapts to swamps, farmlands and arid lands if they are rocky or brushy. They range from coast to coast throughout southern Canada.

The Bobcat is gray with distinct black spots. The tail is short and stubby with 2 or 3 black bars. The face has broken black lines that radiate onto the cheek.

It’s is an excellent climber who often waits in the trees to pounce on their prey that includes rodents, hares, squirrels and birds; they also may take the occasional deer. Predators of the bobcat include cougars, coyotes, wolves and humans, who use their fur for trim.

The Bobcat may wander 25- 50 miles, but usually only venture 2 or 3 miles from their territory. The female bobcat is territorial, staking out a home range that varies from two to more than 40 square miles, with overlapping of female boundaries uncommon. Territorial boundaries are marked with urine, scent from anal glands, and feces deposited on the ground and vegetation during frequent boundary patrols. Male territories frequently overlap those of other males, and usually contain the territories of a number of females. Availability of food is the primary factor in determination of the extent of overlap in territorial boundaries. During the breeding season, the two sexes seek each other briefly, resuming their solitary ways after several days. Mating generally occurs in late winter to early spring resulting in two to four offspring arriving after a gestation period of about 60 days. The kittens are generally born in secluded dens, varying greatly depending on local habitat, including rocky outcrops, abandoned burrows, brushy thickets and rotting snags. Blind at birth and weighing less than one pound, the kittens are entirely dependant on their mother for protection and nourishment, although it is not unusual for the male bobcat to help provide food. The kittens first venture from the den at the age of five weeks and by nine months, become more independent and venture out to establish territories of their own.



Coatis are raccoon-like mammals native to Central and South America.


They are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including fruits, insects, and small vertebrates.


Coatis typically live for about 7 to 14 years in the wild.


Between 6 and 18 pounds

Scientific Name



Coatis typically breed in early spring, and females give birth to litters of 3 to 7 young.


  • They are highly social animals, living in large groups.
  • Coatis are excellent climbers and spend much of their time in trees.
  • Coatis are known for their long, flexible snouts, which they use to forage for food.



  • HEIGHT: 12-20 in.
  • LENGTH: Head and body (32-37 in.) Tail Length: 10-13 in.
  • WEIGHT: 20-50 lbs.


  • MATURITY: Females breed at one year.
  • MATING: Mates Jan.-Feb. Will cross with the domestic dog.
  • GESTATION: 60-63 days.
  • YOUNG: 5-10 pups.


  • HABIT: Chiefly nocturnal, but has been spotted roaming in the daytime.
  • DIET: Will eat almost any animal or vegetable. Mostly small rodents
    and rabbits.
  • LIFESPAN: 18 years in captivity.

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Classified as “Canis latrans”.
    Similar species: The Red Wolf, The Grey Wolf, and The Fox.

General Information

In the wild, the coyote lives in the open plains of the west and brushy areas of the East.

This opportunistic eater has adapted to man and his farmland. The coyote is very unpopular with farmers who think of him as a livestock eater. However, coyotes mainly eat rodents, rabbits and small animals. They will only hunt large animals, such as a deer, in groups of two or more.

The coyote is the best runner of the canids (dog family: wolves, dogs) reaching speeds of 25 to 30 mph, even 40 mph over short distances, and leaping up to 14 feet in a single bound.

The coyote is the symbol of the American west with his night howls, barks and wails.



Heavily forested habitats throughout Canada and northwestern/northeastern United States.


They are omnivores. Their diet consists of anything from birds, small mammals and insects to nuts, berries, and mushrooms.


7 years in the wild and 10+ years in captivity.


4-13 pounds.

Scientific Name

Order: Carnivora; Family: Mustelidae; Genus: Pekania; Species: Pekania pennanti.


Gestation begins around February, with a gestation period of about 50 days. They give birth to one to four kits.

Fun Facts:

While they share some similar characteristics with pigs, they are referred to as hogs, they are not closely related to domestic pigs or the wild boars that plague many areas in the US. The band is a closed group that never accepts outside individuals to join their group, and will expel roughly 1 in 10 offspring from the group.



Groundhogs inhabit rolling farmland, grassy pastures, small woodlots and bushy fence lines.


Groundhogs are herbivores. Some of their favorites include alfalfa, clover, corn, apples, peanuts, and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and lettuce.


6 years in the wild and 10 years in captivity.


7-11 pounds.

Scientific Name

Order: Rodentia; Family: Sciuridae; Species: Marmota monax


In early spring, after 30-day gestation, 2-7 kits are born.

Fun Facts:

Groundhogs are also known as Woodchucks. They are very vocal mammals. When alarmed, they give a loud, shrill whistle and will grind their teeth. Groundhogs are one of the few true hibernators.



Very adaptable from arid scrublands to tropical rain forest ranging from southwestern United States into South America.


They are omnivores. Feeding on insects, roots, grasses, seeds, fruit, and cacti; particularly prickly pear.


10 years in the wild and 20+ years in captivity.


40-80 pounds.

Scientific Name

Order: Artiopdactyla; Family: Tayassuidae; Genus: Pecari; Species: Pecari tajacu.


Can bear young year round but most often between November and March. After a gestation period of 141-151 days they give birth to an average litter of 2-3 piglets.

Fun Facts:

While they share some similar characteristics with pigs, they are referred to as hogs, they are not closely related to domestic pigs or the wild boars that plague many areas in the US. The band is a closed group that never accepts outside individuals to join their group, and will expel roughly 1 in 10 offspring from the group.



  • HEIGHT: 12”
  • LENGTH: 23.62 to 35.43 in
  • WEIGHT: 11 to 30.8 lbs


  • MATURITY: Female: 2 yrs. Male: 2 ½ yrs
  • MATING: October – November
  • GESTATION: 210 days
  • YOUNG: 1 baby is born (with all of its quills)


  • HABIT: Nocturnal, feeding happens primarily at night.
  • DIET: Tree bark, raspberry stems, grasses, flowering herbs, and a large amount of apples.
  • LIFESPAN: 18 years

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Family: Erethizontidae. Scientific Name: Erethizon dorsatum

General Information

Porcupines possess a very unique defense system. A porcupine’s first line of defense is escaping from danger by climbing up a tree. However, if such an escape is not possible, the porcupine has many options. Porcupines are the only mammal in North America to use quills to deter predators. Around 30,000 quills are present on the dorsal side of a porcupine. Because loosing quills is very expensive to a porcupine, these animals have developed several warning signs to precede their use of their ultimate weapon. If visual and accoustic warnings fail, a porcupine will erect its quills, and simultaneously release a nasty scent. Quills are only used if the threat has not been deterred by these other means. (Roze, 1989; Roze, 2002; Sweitzer and Berger, 1992).

Porcupines use a combination of acoustic, chemical, visual, and tactile communication.

Prairie Dog


They generally live in altitudes between 2,000 to 10,000 ft.


Herbivorous, with a diet of mainly grass and seeds – with the exception of some insects.


3-4 years in the wild and up to 8 years in captivity.


1-3 pounds.

Scientific Name

Genus: Cynomys


Gestation period is 34 days. Observed above-ground litters range from 3-5 offspring, and they only have birth once a year.



  • HEIGHT: 9-12 in. at the shoulder
  • LENGTH: 2-3 feet. Tail Length: 6-12 in.
  • WEIGHT: 15-35 lb.


  • MATURITY: Female: 1 year. Male: 2 years
  • MATING: Mates in February.
  • GESTATION: 50-65 days
  • YOUNG: Called a litter: 4-5 kits born in late spring.


  • HABIT: Raccoons range from North, Central, and South America.
  • DIET: Omnivores (eat meat and vegetation) and eat frogs, small fish, crayfish, insects, corn, berries, and grapes.
  • LIFESPAN: 8-10 years in the wild, and 10-13 years in captivity.

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Common Name: Raccoon. Classified as “Procyon lotor”.

General Information

Raccoons range from North, Central, and South America.

Raccoons inhabit forested areas with mature and/or hollow trees in which to nest. They have adapted to live in urban and rural areas.

Raccoons vary in color from blond to dark gray with the characteristic rings around eyes and tail. They have small, articulate paws used to pick up food, dig, or aid in climbing.

Fun Facts: Their species name “lotor” means “washer” in Latin. Raccoons are very vocal have been heard to purr and growl at each other. A raccoon is a curious animal and it uses its paws and nose to explore new surroundings.

Red Fox


  • HEIGHT: Head and Body: 22-25 in.
  • LENGTH: Tail Length: 14-16 in.
  • WEIGHT: 10-15 lb.


  • MATING: Breed in Dec. and Jan.
  • GESTATION: About 51 days
  • YOUNG: 4-9 pups in a litter.


  • HABIT: Mostly active at night, early morning, and late evening.
  • DIET: Insects, hares, mice, berries, and other fruits.
  • LIFESPAN: 3 years in the wild. 10-15 years in captivity.

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Classified as “Vulpes vulpes” Similar species: Coyote, Swift Fox, Kit Fox, Gray Fox, Arctic Fox

General Information

Red foxes utilize a wide range of habitats including forest, tundra, prairie, desert, mountains, farmlands, and urban areas. They prefer mixed vegetation communities, such as edge habitats and mixed scrub and woodland. They are found from sea level to 4500 meters elevation. (MacDonald and Reynolds, 2005)

Coloration of red foxes ranges from pale yellowish red to deep reddish brown on the upper parts and white, ashy or slaty on the underside. The lower part of the legs is usually black and the tail usually has a white or black tip.

Red foxes use a variety of vocalizations to communicate among themselves. They also use facial expressions and scent marking extensively. Red foxes have excellent senses of vision, smell, and touch. (MacDonald and Reynolds, 2005)

Works cited:

River Otter


  • HEIGHT: 8 inches tall when standing on all four feet.
  • LENGTH: 35-51 inches long.
  • WEIGHT: 10-25 lbs


  • MATURITY: 2-3 years
  • MATING: River otters are induced ovulators, meaning that ovulation does not begin until copulation has occurred
  • GESTATION: 60-65 days.
  • YOUNG: 2-3 pups.


  • HABIT: River Otters reside in lakes and waterways.
  • DIET: River Otters are piscivores, which means they are carnivorous but primarily eat fish.
  • LIFESPAN: 9-10 years in the wild. 10-20 years in captivity

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Classified as Lontra Canadensis. Similar species include the badger, fisher, marten, weasel and wolverine.

General Information

Otters can dive down to depths of 10 feet and can hold their breath up to 40 seconds under water. By using a combination of running and gliding otters have been clocked at speeds of 15-18 mph on ground, and can swim 6-7 mph.

Works cited:

Reed-Smith, Janice. North American River Otter Husbandray Notebook, 2nd Edition. John Ball Zoological Garden. 2001

Dewey, T. and E. Ellis. 2003. “Lontra canadensis” (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed October 16, 2007 at

Striped Skunk


  • HEIGHT: To shoulder 8-10 inches
  • LENGTH: Head and body, 22.64 to 31.5 in
  • WEIGHT: 2-4 lbs


  • MATURITY: 10 months
  • MATING: February and March
  • GESTATION: 77 Days
  • YOUNG: Called a litter: 5-6 young.


  • HABIT: Family oriented; packs of 7-10. Striped skunks are nocturnal, sleeping during the day in underground burrows and emerging around dusk to search for food.
  • DIET: They often eat vegetation, insects and other small invertebrates, and smaller vertebrates such as snakes, birds and rodents.
  • LIFESPAN: Up to 90% of skunks die in their first winter. In the wild skunks may live to be 2 to 3 years old. In captivity they have been known to survive for up to 15 years

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Classified as ” Mephitis mephitis” the striped skunk is in the family mephitidae. The family Mephitidae includes the skunks and stink badgers.

General Information

Skunks use scent marking to communicate presence and reproductive state to other skunks. They also communicate visually, by raising their fur and changing posture. Skunks have a good sense of hearing, but their vision is poor. They are mostly silent, but do make a variety of sounds such as churring, hisses, and screams.

A skunk has perhaps the most widely known defense system of any mammal, the scent-spraying mechanism. Striped skunks usually do not discharge the foul smelling contents of their scent glands unless mortally threatened. When faced with danger they arch the back and erect the tail and hair. When mortally threatened they bend into a U-shape with both head and rump facing the enemy. They then emit two streams of fluid from scent glands located just inside the anus, which meet after travelling about a foot, finally spreading into a fine spray that can travel up to 2 or 3 meters. The spray often causes nausea and burns the eyes and nasal cavities of the unfortunate target. Because of their offensive odor, skunks are rarely preyed on by mammalian predators.

Works cited:

Timber Wolf


  • HEIGHT: 26 – 33 inches.
  • LENGTH: 6.5 ft. (including tail)
  • WEIGHT: Can weigh up to 175 lb.


  • MATURITY: Two years old.
  • MATING: January through March
  • GESTATION: 9 weeks.
  • YOUNG: One to eleven pups.


  • HABIT: Most active at night, but may be seen during the day. Hunt in packs.
  • DIET: Small animals and birds. When in packs, will hunt sheep and other large animals.

Scientific Name

  • FAMILY: Other common name: “Gray Wolf”. Family: “Canidae”. Species classification: “Canus lupis”. Related to the jackal, coyote, and domestic dog.

General Information

Timber wolves are widely distributed. They are found in various parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. In the United States, they range from the Rocky Mountain ranges to areas in the Great Lakes states. Timbers can be found of prairies and forests, but usually not in high mountain ranges because of the lack of food. Their color ranges from nearly white to nearly black, but are usually grayish.

The “pack” is a very complex and strict organization. They communicate through posture, voice, and scent. The alpha, or dominant, male is the leader. Only the alpha male and alpha female are allowed to breed. The entire pack cooperates in feeding, protecting, and training the pups. The pack distinguishes its territory by marking it with urine and feces. Dominant males can stare down other wolves in the pack to prevent a fight and dominate females do the same to prevent females from mating with her mate, but fights are very rare. Some members may stay with the pack for life.

Wolves are big game hunters. After a howling chorus, the pack will leave the den for the evening hunt with one adult guardian staying behind to watch over the young. Timber wolves will generally hunt in packs of 12 or more during the non-breeding season. They feed on anything that is available. They primarily hunt birds and mammals such as deer and caribou. Their hunting range can be up to 60 miles is diameter. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day. By smell alone, wolves can locate prey, other pack members or enemies. It can tell them if other wolves were in the territory, if they were male or female, and how recently they visited.

In the spring, females have litters of one to eleven pups. The pups are born blind and deaf, so they have to depend on the their mother and other members of the pack. The whole pack takes care and raises the pups (non-breeding females produce milk and males compete to baby sit). The pups also eat regurgitated food. When the hunters return from a hunt, the pups will jump and bite at their throats to get them to regurgitate the undigested meat from the recent kill. The pups normally stay with the parents until the following winter, but may remain much longer. Parents and their young constitute a basic pack.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the gray wolf is listed as a threatened species in Minnesota and as an endangered species in the United States. The decreasing numbers of wolves are the result of encroachments on their territory by humans, who have regarded wolves as competitors for prey and as dangerous to livestock, pets, and people. However, very few wolves attack humans. There might be “some” isolated incidents, but which is usually the case in those, the wolf was only trying to protect itself from the invasion from the human. There have been some efforts to try to reintroduce the wolf back into the wild, but those efforts have been very controversial.